work experience

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work experience

by rocknroll » Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:22 pm
I am planning on applying to business school this year. My concern is that I am currently in my 3rd year of work experience. I finished a 2 year analyst program at a bulge bracket wall street firm in June 09 and then moved over to a smaller, specialized European bank. Since I've just started at my new company and i am applying for b-school at the same time, will this come across badly - like will the admission's committee say oh if we accept this person, that means they are only going to spend less than a year at this company and then go to business school. Does that imply lack of dedication/ or someone who doesn't know what they want and is just jumping around? Like does it seem that i wasn't serious about my second company and was just using it as a placeholder?

The fact of the matter is that I don't really want to be in finance and want to do something consulting/strategy related post MBA and long-term want to work in government. I switched to the european bank firstly b.c. i did not receive a third year offer at my previous firm and secondly because the title and pay were better and i am getting international exposure. How do you suggest tailoring my application to avoid coming across as not dedicated/ jumping around from work to b-school? I feel my other stats are strong - 3.5 undergrad GPA (Finance/Econ major, politics minor), 740 GMAT, strong internships, etc. I am hoping, given the fact that the economy is so bad and i am still employed will look favorable.

Thanks for your help


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by Lisa Anderson » Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:54 am
Dear rocknroll,

While I understand why you are concerned, I do not think you should be. Yes, you will only have a year at the new company, but that is a reasonable amount of experience, especially if you are continuing down the same path started 2 years earlier. It makes sense that you saw an opportunity for international exposure and liked the better title and pay. As long as you don't give the impression it is a placeholder and have a solid rationale for taking the job, then the move will not reflect poorly on you.

Good luck,
Lisa Anderson
Stacy Blackman Consulting

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