Que: A chemical evaporates out of a beaker at the rate of x liters for every y minutes. If the chemical costs 25.

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Que: A chemical evaporates out of a beaker at the rate of x liters for every y minutes. If the chemical costs 25 dollars per liter, what is the cost, in dollars, of the amount of the chemical that will evaporate in z minutes?

(A) \(\frac{25}{yz}\)

(B) \(\frac{xz}{25q}\)

(C) \(\frac{25y}{xz}\)

(D) \(\frac{25xz}{y}\)

(E) \(\frac{25yz}{x}\)

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Solution: Amount of chemical evaporated in ‘y’ minutes: x liters

Therefore, the amount of chemical evaporated in 1 minute = \(\frac{x}{y}\) liters

Hence, the amount of chemical evaporated in z minute = \(\frac{xz}{y}\) liters

=> Cost of 1 liter of chemical: $25

Thus, cost of the chemical evaporated in z minutes = $25 * \(\frac{xz}{y}\) =\(\frac{25xz}{y}\)

D is the correct answer.

Answer D