Envelopes can be purchased for \(\$1.50\) per pack of \(100, \$1.00\) per pack of \(50,\) or \(\$0.03\) each. What is

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Envelopes can be purchased for \(\$1.50\) per pack of \(100, \$1.00\) per pack of \(50,\) or \(\$0.03\) each. What is the greatest number of envelopes that can be purchased for \(\$7.30?\)

A. 426
B. 430
C. 443
D. 460
E. 486

Answer: D

Source: Official Guide

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M7MBA wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:52 pm
Envelopes can be purchased for \(\$1.50\) per pack of \(100, \$1.00\) per pack of \(50,\) or \(\$0.03\) each. What is the greatest number of envelopes that can be purchased for \(\$7.30?\)

A. 426
B. 430
C. 443
D. 460
E. 486

Answer: D

Source: Official Guide
Here we have

1. \(100\) per \(1.5\), we can buy \(4 = 400\), remaining \(1.3\) to spend

2. \(50\) per \(1\), we can buy \(1\) pack \(= 50\) envelopes, remaining \(0.3\) to spend

3. \(1\) per \(0.03\) we can buy \(10\) more with \(0.3\)

Total \(= 400 + 50 + 10 = 460 \Longrightarrow\) D

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M7MBA wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:52 pm
Envelopes can be purchased for \(\$1.50\) per pack of \(100, \$1.00\) per pack of \(50,\) or \(\$0.03\) each. What is the greatest number of envelopes that can be purchased for \(\$7.30?\)

A. 426
B. 430
C. 443
D. 460
E. 486

Answer: D

Source: Official Guide
$7.3 = $6 + $1 + $0.3
$7.3 = $1.5 * 4 + $1 * 1 + $0.03 * 10
$7.3 = 100*4 envelopes + 50*1 envelopes + 1*10 envelopes
$7.3 = 400 envelopes + 50 envelopes + 10 envelopes
$7.3 = 460 envelopes

Choice D is the answer.


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M7MBA wrote:
Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:52 pm
Envelopes can be purchased for \(\$1.50\) per pack of \(100, \$1.00\) per pack of \(50,\) or \(\$0.03\) each. What is the greatest number of envelopes that can be purchased for \(\$7.30?\)

A. 426
B. 430
C. 443
D. 460
E. 486

Answer: D

Source: Official Guide

We see that the cost per envelope of a pack of 100 envelopes is 1.50/100 = $0.015 and that of a pack of 50 envelopes is 1/50 = $0.02. Since the cost per envelope is the cheapest when buying a pack of 100 envelopes, we should buy as many packs of 100 envelopes first, followed by packs of 50 envelopes, and then followed by single envelopes.

Using this scheme, we can buy 4 packs of 100 envelopes, with 7.3 - 6 = $1.30 left. We then buy 1 pack of 50 envelopes, with 1.3 - 1 = $0.30 left. Finally, we can buy 10 single envelopes with the $0.30 we have left. Therefore, we can buy a maximum total of 4 x 100 + 50 + 10 = 460 envelopes.

Answer: D

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