Test date 29th July - Review my study plan

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Hello everyone,

I just registered for GMAT test on 29th July 2010. I am now really excited about the test.
I have completed the Veritas Weekend course. Currently I am doing practise problems from all the Veritas workbook. My plan is to finish all the workbooks by mid June.
After completion, i will start practising from Official Guide 12th edition and take practise tests. I still have more than 2 months before the D-day. I would appreciate any suggestions about my study plan. My target is 700+ GMAT score. Just for your information I work full-time.

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by Osirus@VeritasPrep » Thu May 20, 2010 6:47 am
Didn't you post a similar thread already?

https://www.beatthegmat.com/need-gmat-st ... 57625.html
https://www.beatthegmat.com/the-retake-o ... 51414.html

Brandon Dorsey
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Veritas Prep

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by kunalmmehta » Thu May 20, 2010 6:59 am
Osirus you are absolutely right about it. I register for the GMAT test this morning and felt really nervous about it. My brain is going through different thoughts about the test. I am at work rightnow and unable to focus. I am thinking about the test all the time. I guess it's just an excitement about the test i am experiencing. Thanks anyways.

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by Osirus@VeritasPrep » Thu May 20, 2010 7:05 am
Nervousness is natural. I think the thing that helped me get over my nervousness the first time I took it is I kept telling myeslf that I worked hard for this and I wasn't going to allow fear to steal my moment. You will do well. Just finish all of the Veritas material and go through the OG and you will be prepared.
https://www.beatthegmat.com/the-retake-o ... 51414.html

Brandon Dorsey
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Veritas Prep

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