Etiquette for this forum

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Etiquette for this forum

by beatthegmat » Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:44 pm
Hi Beat The GMAT Community:

I'd like to lay out some general guidelines for etiquette for this forum area:
  • Show an explanation when you answer a question. Please no posts that just say responses like 'IMO C' or 'the answer is C'.
  • Please write out your posts and avoid uploading images whenever possible. It's much easier for members to respond to your posts when they are typed by you. Additionally, keep in mind that images which are uploaded as attachments can only be seen by people who are currently logged in. You'll probably get more responses by people by typing your posts too.
  • Always include an Official Answer and please use the Spoilers function to hide the Official Answer. Example Spoiler usage: [spoiler]Hello![/spoiler] Hiding the OA makes for a better learning experience for other members. More information about the Spoilers function can be found here:
Thanks for your help everyone!
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