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by xyh133 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:26 pm
The failing of the book lies not in a lack of attention to scientific detail but in the depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that reduce the credibility of the work.
(A) depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that
(B) fact that it depicts marine world scenes of life and death as having emotional overtones that
(C) depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones
(D) depiction of marine world scenes of life and death, which have emotional overtones and thus
(E) fact that it depicts scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones


Why C is wrong? why 'whose emotional overtones' can not modifies 'depiction of scenes '?

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by reply2spg » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:45 pm
Whose always refer to person or object, not to an idea
xyh133 wrote:The failing of the book lies not in a lack of attention to scientific detail but in the depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that reduce the credibility of the work.
(A) depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world with emotional overtones that - Correct
(B) fact that it depicts marine world scenes of life and death as having emotional overtones that - 'it' does not have any reference. there is no 'fact' mentioned in the sentence, eliminate
(C) depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones - Whose always refer to person or object, not to an idea, eliminate
(D) depiction of marine world scenes of life and death, which have emotional overtones and thus - no need of 'thus' here
(E) fact that it depicts scenes of life and death in the marine world, whose emotional overtones - same as B


Why C is wrong? why 'whose emotional overtones' can not modifies 'depiction of scenes '?
(have lot of things to learn from all of you)

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by paes » Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:40 am

"emotional overtones" should modify to depiction.

in C, whose is modifying to closest noun : the marine world
in A : with emotional overtones" is correctly modifying to depiction.