Qn- 862 oA wrong?

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Qn- 862 oA wrong?

by GG04 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 5:50 am
Those with a cynical turn of mind might speculate if the new corporation, eager for profit, might not have started the rumor that caused its competitor to declare bankruptcy.

(A) speculate if the new corporation, eager for profit, might not have started
(B) speculate if the new corporation, eager for profit, had not started
(C) speculate if, in its eagerness for profit, the new corporation started
(D) wonder as to whether, in its eagerness for profit, the new corporation did not start
(E) wonder whether the new corporation, eager for profit, had started

How can OA be E? In this context the the word wonder is wrong..Am i correct? Should the answer be B?

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by vivek.kapoor83 » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:41 am
ABC are out ...If condition ...only applies when If...then ........is there. otherise use Whether. and D...Akward Construction...So E.
U havent underlined Speculate and its repeating in option. Understanding that speculate is also the part of underline portion.
might...is giving the meaning of uncertanity...that is req..so speculate mite be reduntant....coz it also looks for a possibility...though i am not sure of this reason...

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by Gmatss » Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:52 pm
if is only used when if..then situation otherwise always use whether..
and the last part "might not have" should be "had" as it happend before another past event.