profile evaluation and b school suggestion. Thanks!!!

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Last edited by shweytankagrawal on Fri Jul 22, 2022 3:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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by Jon@Admissionado » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:30 pm
Hey there good sir!
Very good to hear from you!

So you have some strengths in your profile and some weaknesses. I think your greatest strength is your well-known and well-respected employer. I don't yet get a sense of your achievements or advancement, but if that is good as well, it will help you out greatly.

Your toughest challenge will be of course to stand out among your applicant pool, which as Indian/Male/Tech is the HARDEST applicant pool out there - so you need to show the adcom not just that you are successful, but also unique.

I think otherwise, that with your GMAT and GPA the schools within your range would be schools int he 25-50 rankling (we're talking about US schools here).

I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any further questions,
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by GyanOne » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:16 am
Hi Shweytank

You have a decent profile there. While your work in 2013-15 would have led to you being classified in the IT pool (a highly competitive and overrepresented pool), your family business experience will help you to differentiate. However, your work there seems to have been more sales/marketing related, with not too much of an operations component (at least the way you mention it here). Would like more details on your exact responsibilities and future plans.

Family business applicants also need to be able to show a clear need for business education (especially when applying abroad) and future applications. This means clear business goals, not just those related to being a more efficient manager (thought that helps as well).

ISB in India may be one option for you as of now, but will need more information to suggest on international and US options.

You might also like to go through this article, which is around the experience of a candidate with a somewhat similar background: MBA for Family Business Professionals

shweytankagrawal wrote:Hello everyone

First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time out and helping me evaluate. I am preparing for 2017 fall applications. Please find some basic details and concerns I have below:

1. Male,25
2. Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical 2013, GPA 7.13/10 from MIT, Manipal INDIA
3. GMAT 690
4. Worked for 2 years in IBM(June 2013-may 2015). Started as an trainee in java and quit at the post of a system engineer. Worked on technologies like j2ee, middle-ware and .net. handled multiple projects of telecommunication and banking sector. I have also been team lead for last 6 months in the project. Have an experience of supporting multiple applications from front and back end.
5. Since May 2015 I have been working as a business strategic manager in my business. I own the responsibility to handle the sales and marketing for multiple products of an edible company. Managing a team of over 70 people I play the role of stockist and handle the distribution of their products at wholesale as well consumer level for multiple districts.
6. Have setup a packaging company in February to help small scale industries pack products under their label in our supervision, liability and labor.
7. I am associated with a local NGO and take up teaching in the weekends and sometimes go for awareness drives to rural areas.
8. I also am an active member of action aid India. A society recognized worldwide which funds education and living for orphans.
9. Apart from this I love to cook in free time. Don't know if that also counts. Not a sport guy 😷

I want to get an MBA because I need to specialize in the operations/supply chain. It will also help me improve my way of working and help me project myself as a better individual to get work from big conglomerates.

I have not shortlisted any b school as if now. Hence I am open for suggestions. Please drop your suggestion or any query you have. I would love to answer more questions about myself too.

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by Michelle@ARINGO » Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:32 am
Overall, you have a decent enough profile, but you need to keep in mind, as mentioned above, that you are competing in the toughest applicant group out there. And for Indian tech males your GMAT for example is a bit low, as you will be competing against other similar applicants with a higher GMAT score than you for sure. What you need to do, therefore, is to spend a lot of time on your story and telling it well in your application, making sure to do it in a way that will set you apart from other candidates. I do see that there is a chance for you to stand out, but making it all cohesive and understandable will be your main challenge.

A lot of people struggle with this particular part of the application process, of course (it's not really something you can study for, although there are some good tips online etc.), which is why talking to an admissions consultant could be very beneficial for you. An experienced admissions consultant will make sure all your strengths are highlighted in the best possible and help you compensate for your weaknesses (everyone has weaknesses!). If you'd like to hear more about what ARINGO can do for you (we specialize in applicants with low GMAT scores and work with huge numbers of Indian tech guys each year), feel free to PM me, but if not, my main recommendation is basically to really focus on your storytelling in your application.

Good luck!