Series Question

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Series Question

by Preeti.a8 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:12 am
Two measure standards R and S. 24 and 30 measured with R are 42 and 60 when they are measured with S, respectively. If 100 is acquired with S, what would its value be measured with R?

Can anyone provide a solution for this ??

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by adthedaddy » Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:42 am
Here we have to assume that the relation is linear.

From the given condition, we can frame a linear eqn as -


solving the above eqns, we get
x=3, y=-30

Substituting x,y in the eqn(1)

Now, we have to find R for S=100.

Substituting S in Eqn(2), we get


Therefore, R=130/3

Plz confirm the OA

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by Preeti.a8 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:42 am
Seems there is one more solution apart from the one provided by you.
Below it is .

Let the scales R and S are not linearly related. and let the relation be in the form S = (a/R) + b
From the question stem
42 = (a/24) + b => 1008 = a + 24b
60 = (a/30) + b => 1800 = a + 30b
Subtract the first equation from the second.
1800 - 1008 = a + 30b - (a + 24b)
792 = 6b
a = -2160 and b = 132
So if S = 100 R = -2160/(100-132) = 67.5

Link for the solution. ... 22454.html

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by adthedaddy » Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:49 am
Thanks for the alternate solution.

As there are different answers by following the linear and non-linear approach, what is the original answer ?

I guess, if such a question comes in the exam then there would've been clearly mentioned on the same whether the relation is linear or non-linear.