\(10\%\) of GMAT test-takers take the exam more than once and have a high score of \(650\) or greater, and \(20\%\) of

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\(10\%\) of GMAT test-takers take the exam more than once and have a high score of \(650\) or greater, and \(20\%\) of GMAT test takers who take the test only once have a score of \(650\) or greater. if \(40\%\) of GMAT test-takers take the exam more than once, What percent of GMAT test takers have a high score of less than \(650?\)

A. \(10.5\%\)

B. \(22\%\)

C. \(30\%\)

D. \(70\%\)

E. \(78\%\)

Answer: E

Source: Manhattan GMAT