Got shocked, scored different from my practice tests

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I took the GMAT exam 10 days ago for the second time and got 550(Q48,19). Actually the first time I did not have any idea about what the GMAT is! I got 540(Q48 V18) in Jan 2009.

For the second time, I studied for three and a half months. I studied Manhattan Sc, OG 11 and 12 and reviewed OG's for 3 times and also took some GMAT paper sets of ETS. My score in GMAT prep( the one that I downloaded from the was between 680 to 710, in my three attempt. My verbal scores were 28,34,34,35 and my quantitative scores were 48,49,50,49 in my four attempts in taking 2 prep tests. Then in the real exam I got 550 (Q48,V19) .I am feeling very badly now because I don't know what to do. My verbal score in real exam was extremely lower than my practice tests.

I have to retake the exam in 1 month and I really don't know what to do. plz give me your advise...

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by harsh.champ » Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:34 pm
katz_0 wrote:I took the GMAT exam 10 days ago for the second time and got 550(Q48,19). Actually the first time I did not have any idea about what the GMAT is! I got 540(Q48 V18) in Jan 2009.

For the second time, I studied for three and a half months. I studied Manhattan Sc, OG 11 and 12 and reviewed OG's for 3 times and also took some GMAT paper sets of ETS. My score in GMAT prep( the one that I downloaded from the was between 680 to 710, in my three attempt. My verbal scores were 28,34,34,35 and my quantitative scores were 48,49,50,49 in my four attempts in taking 2 prep tests. Then in the real exam I got 550 (Q48,V19) .I am feeling very badly now because I don't know what to do. My verbal score in real exam was extremely lower than my practice tests.

I have to retake the exam in 1 month and I really don't know what to do. plz give me your advise...
Hey katz_0,
Firstly don't lose hope.
You got good scores in the prep test-Maybe due to exam circumstances you were not able to score on the actual test.
First of all,were you able to complete the verbal part or did u leave out some questions???
It is very essential that you attempt all the questions..You are severely penalised for leaving out questions at the end.

In case,this was not the problem,
I want you to post ur break up analysis-of SC/RC/CR according to you.
Which part you found difficult.
SInce,you have to retake the exam in 1 month ,it is better to only concentrate on the weak part.

MOst important of all-"DEVISE A STUDY PLAN FOR ALL THE 30 DAYS"
Also,make a progress report as to whether you are on schedule,behind it or ahead of it.
You can consult BTG flashcards(if you have made ur own then better) for quick tips in the verbal section.
For SC,it would be better if you revise the rules again.

Then,analyses ur prep test(This is very important)-on what parts you need improvement??
Work on ur weak concepts.

I hope the above tips will help. :)
Last edited by harsh.champ on Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It takes time and effort to explain, so if my comment helped you please press Thanks button :)

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by shashank.ism » Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:44 pm
katz_0 wrote:I took the GMAT exam 10 days ago for the second time and got 550(Q48,19). Actually the first time I did not have any idea about what the GMAT is! I got 540(Q48 V18) in Jan 2009.

For the second time, I studied for three and a half months. I studied Manhattan Sc, OG 11 and 12 and reviewed OG's for 3 times and also took some GMAT paper sets of ETS. My score in GMAT prep( the one that I downloaded from the was between 680 to 710, in my three attempt. My verbal scores were 28,34,34,35 and my quantitative scores were 48,49,50,49 in my four attempts in taking 2 prep tests. Then in the real exam I got 550 (Q48,V19) .I am feeling very badly now because I don't know what to do. My verbal score in real exam was extremely lower than my practice tests.

I have to retake the exam in 1 month and I really don't know what to do. plz give me your advise...
katz_0 I think 1st time you went without any fear and you had given exam without thinking of what would be the result and hence you scored 540 .
Well when you gave exam for 2nd time fully prepared.. during preparation I think you would have solved a lot of problem as written by you ..but I think you left a lot of mistakes behind..and hence you trying to solve the peoblem with right approach but getting wrong ans due to silly mistakes henc the score 550 a mere increase of 10 marks
Now when ur going for the 3rd test again so I would sugggest just search for those silly mistakes and you will surely lead ur score above 700...
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by katz_0 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:36 am
harsh.champ wrote:
katz_0 wrote:I took the GMAT exam 10 days ago for the second time and got 550(Q48,19). Actually the first time I did not have any idea about what the GMAT is! I got 540(Q48 V18) in Jan 2009.

For the second time, I studied for three and a half months. I studied Manhattan Sc, OG 11 and 12 and reviewed OG's for 3 times and also took some GMAT paper sets of ETS. My score in GMAT prep( the one that I downloaded from the was between 680 to 710, in my three attempt. My verbal scores were 28,34,34,35 and my quantitative scores were 48,49,50,49 in my four attempts in taking 2 prep tests. Then in the real exam I got 550 (Q48,V19) .I am feeling very badly now because I don't know what to do. My verbal score in real exam was extremely lower than my practice tests.

I have to retake the exam in 1 month and I really don't know what to do. plz give me your advise...
Hey katz_0,
Firstly don't lose hope.
You got good scores in the prep test-Maybe due to exam circumstances you were not able to score on the actual test.
First of all,were you able to complete the verbal part or did u leave out some questions???
It is very essential that you attempt all the questions..You are severely penalised for leaving out questions at the end.

In case,this was not the problem,
I want you to post ur break up analysis-of SC/RC/CR according to you.
Which part you found difficult.
SInce,you have to retake the exam in 1 month ,it is better to only concentrate on the weak part.

MOst important of all-"DEVISE A STUDY PLAN FOR ALL THE 30 DAYS"
Also,make a progress report as to whether you are on schedule,behind it or ahead of it.
You can consult BTG flashcards(if you have made ur own then better) for quick tips in the verbal section.
For SC,it would be better if you revise the rules again.

Then,analyses ur prep test(This is very important)-on what parts you need improvement??
Work on ur weak concepts.

I hope the above tips will help. :)

These were my wrong answers in each exam:

GMAT Prep 1 first time: 4 RC, 3 CR, 5 SC
GMAT Prep 1 second time: 6 RC, 2 CR, 6 SC
GMAT Prep 2 first time: 4 RC, 4 CR, 4 SC

but i had more problems with reading comprehension on the exam day. I felt these questions are harder than practice tests of GMAT PREP. Also, I finished all question both in verbal and quant in the given time.


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by Stacey Koprince » Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:06 am
Received a PM asking me to respond.

So, the first task is to figure out why your verbal score dropped so much in comparison to your practice tests. Read this article, do the analysis described, and come back and tell us what you think you found out: ... went-wrong

Once we have a pretty good handle on why we think your score dropped (and there may be multiple reasons, not just one), then we can put together a plan to overcome whatever those difficulties are.

(FYI: I'm leaving for vacation in a couple of hours, so I won't be back to help you out for about 10 days.)
Please note: I do not use the Private Messaging system! I will not see any PMs that you send to me!!

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