need help of couple of Questions

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need help of couple of Questions

by vaivish » Mon May 26, 2008 11:05 am
18. There has been a change in how men think of land, a change from thinking it simply private property to that now of a limited national resource, with an inherent public interest transcending the individual owner’s prerogatives.
(A) There has been a change in how men think of land, a change from thinking it simply private property to that now of
(B) There have been changes in how men think of land, a change from that of simple private property to now that of
(C) There has been a change in how men think of land, a change from once considering it simply private property to now considering it
(D) Once men used to think of land as simply private property, but they consider it now
(E) Once thought of simply as private property, land is now considered

20. Why painting the face and perfuming the body should have persisted throughout recorded history has been the subject of a substantial amount of anthropological and psychological speculation.

(A) Why painting the face and perfuming the body should have persisted
(B) How painting the face and perfuming the body could be persistent
(C) That painting the face and perfuming the body are persisting
(D) Painting the face and perfuming the body persisting
(E) The persisting of face painting and body perfuming

. Dr. Hegsted argues that just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the few who might actually contract polio, mass dietary change is needed to protect the significant number who are susceptible to the life-threatening effects of press eating habits.
(A) just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the few who might actually contract polio (B) like polio vaccine, which is given to every person to protect the few who might contract polio (C) similar to polio vaccine which is given to every person to protect the few who might actually contract polio (D) while, to protect the few who might actually contract polio, polio vaccine is given to every person (E) similar to the giving of polio vaccine to every person in order to protect the few who might contract polio actually
. Eaten in the Mediterranean countries, northern Europeans viewed the tomato with suspicion, for they assumed it had poisonous properties because of its relationship to deadly nightshade. (A) northern Europeans viewed the tomato with suspicion, for they (B) northern Europeans were suspicious of the tomato, and they (C) the tomato was viewed with suspicion by northern Europeans, who (D) the tomato was suspicious to northern Europeans, and it was (E) the tomato was viewed with suspicion by northern Europeans, it being
13. The fastest of mammals, cheetah’s bodies are geared to accelerate from one to forty miles per hour in less than two seconds and reach speeds of seventy miles per hour. (A) The fastest of mammals, cheetah’s bodies are geared to (B) The fastest of mammals, the body of the cheetah is able to (C) Faster than other mammals, the body of the cheetah is geared to (D) The fastest of mammals, the cheetah can (E) The cheetah, the fastest of mammals, have bodies that can

20. Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its poison. (A) Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its (B) Brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to their (C) The brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds and poses the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to their (D) The brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds and poses the greatest danger to infants and the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its (E) The brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, they cause chronic
22. Because Halley’s comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-six-year interval between passing close to Earth, it may veer onto a collision course with a planet sometime in the distant future. (A) between passing (B) of passing (C) between its passes (D) of its passes (E) as it passes

Will post the ans post discussion....lets start...

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by anayak » Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:06 am

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by vaivish » Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:34 am
i am looking for the explanations....can somebody start it...