Jason's salary

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Jason's salary

by ssuarezo » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:16 pm
Please, another one.



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by Rahul@gurome » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:51 pm
Let Jason's salary be x in 1995 and Karen's salary be y in 1995.
So in 1998 their respective salaries were x+(xp/100) and y+(yp/100) or x(100+p)/100 and y(100+p)/100.
The question is asking for the value of p.
First consider statement (1) alone.
It means y-x = 2000.
Since nothing is being said about p, this information is not sufficient to answer the question.
Next consider statement (2) alone.
It means y(100+p)/100 - x(100+p)/100 = 2440 or {(100+p)/100}*(y-x) = 2440.
Again this information alone is not sufficient to answer the question.
Next combine both the statements together and check.
So we get two equations.
y-x = 2000.
and {(100+p)/100}*(y-x) = 2440.
On dividing second equation by first one we get (100+p)/100 = 2440/2000.
Or 100+p = 122 or p = 22.
So both statements together are sufficient to answer the question.
The correct answer is hence (C).
Rahul Lakhani
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by sumanr84 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:47 pm
------------------------1995------------------------- 1998
J's Salary-------------X-------------------------- X(1+.0p)

K's Salary-------------Y--------------------------- Y(1+.0p)

Statement 1 : Y - X = 2000 -> No way to find p . Insufficient

Statement 2 : Y(1+.0p) - X(1+.0p) = 2440

(1+.0p) ( Y - X ) = 2440 -> No way to find p. Insufficient

1 and 2 together,

Since, we have ( Y-X ) from eq 1. We can plug in 2 to get "p"...sufficient
I am on a break !!

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by ssuarezo » Sun Jun 20, 2010 2:11 pm
Thanks to you both guys.
Actually, it was easy, but ... I got mixed up ! ...
And Sumanr84, your links are interesting ...

Thanks for your time !

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by aks16189 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:13 pm
Hi, both of you have explained very nicely but there is a much easier way to do this...

in 1995 let jason's salary b x so Karen is x+2000

now in 1998 both get p% increase so,
Jason= px and Karen=p(x+2000)

the diff is nw 2440 so,

p(x+2000)-px = 2440
=> px+2000p-px=2440

and it is clear that both statements are needed to form 2 equations.