Manhattan CAT - Argument - Immigrant workers and Wages

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This is from my last week's Manhattan CAT test. Please review and score.

The following appeared in the editorial section of a local newspaper:

"The inflow of immigrant workers into our community has put a downward pressure on wages. In fact, the average compensation of unskilled labor in our city has declined by nearly 10% over the past 5 years. Therefore, to protect our local economy, it is essential to impose a moratorium on further immigration."

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. Point out flaws in the argument's logic and analyze the argument's underlying assumptions. In addition, evaluate how supporting evidence is used and what evidence might counter the argument's conclusion. You may also discuss what additional evidence could be used to strengthen the argument or what changes would make the argument more logically sound.


In the preceding statement, the author of the argument states that the decline in the wages is due to the inflow of immigrant workers. The argument tries to correlate an event with another but fails to address the important correlation factors. The conclusion derived is based on unsubstantial premises and lacks reasoning.

Primarly, the reason behind why the inflow of immigration workers caused the wages to decline is not explained well. There could be many reasons for a decline in wages, the skill level and the quality of the labor are just a couple of attributes among many. Secondly, in a weak attempt to substantiate the argument the author states that the compensation of unskilled labor was declined by 10% over the past 5 years. The fact quoted in the argument fails to address the connecting factors between the decline in wages of unskilled labor and the inflow of immigrant workers. If the argument provides more evidence in proving most of the unskilled labor goes to immigrant worker it would have strengthen the argument, but with out any such correlating facts and evidences, the point the author is trying to make can not be substantiated and proven. Finally, the argument tells us the rate of decline in the wages but does not give the rate of inflow of immigrant workers to make any logical assumptions and to derive a sound conclusion.

The baseless assumptions made in the argument with out any substantial evidences makes the conclusion derived in the argument that the immigrant workers cause a decline in wages and a moratorium should be imposed on immigration unacceptable and invalid.