Logitech DS2

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by cramya » Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:45 pm
Thanks Logitech!

Whats the source?

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by logitech » Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:49 pm
cramya wrote:Thanks Logitech!

Whats the source?
This one is from GMAC. I only work with MGMAT and GMAC questions.

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by iamcste » Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:08 am

Just my 2 cents

The problem is not at all unqiue, its only the values of simultnaeous equation can result to a different path

1. 15x +29y=440

I cannot just try different and "*unique values*" to solve the equation in 2 min, I have

I will use the concept 2 variables and hence need 2 equation and would go to stmt 2

2. x=y

2 alone cannot also solve

hence combine



hence, it wuld be C for me in 2 min in exam ( I guess Cramya requested to recheck OA based on this logic)

But, we should thank logitech to provide a question which now tells us that there could be few simualtenous equations where we should atleast check if for few unique values of x and y , equation may be satisifed

I would just rem in my mind about his simulatenous equation to add one more to my credit

However, if we can get an expert clue as to how we can judge just looking at the simulatenous equation that there could be unique values of it or in min calculation have the solution

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Re: Ans

by logitech » Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:20 am
iamcste wrote:Hi,

Just my 2 cents

The problem is not at all unqiue, its only the values of simultnaeous equation can result to a different path

1. 15x +29y=440

I cannot just try different and "*unique values*" to solve the equation in 2 min, I have

I will use the concept 2 variables and hence need 2 equation and would go to stmt 2

2. x=y

2 alone cannot also solve

hence combine



hence, it wuld be C for me in 2 min in exam ( I guess Cramya requested to recheck OA based on this logic)

But, we should thank logitech to provide a question which now tells us that there could be few simualtenous equations where we should atleast check if for few unique values of x and y , equation may be satisifed

I would just rem in my mind about his simulatenous equation to add one more to my credit

However, if we can get an expert clue as to how we can judge just looking at the simulatenous equation that there could be unique values of it or in min calculation have the solution
This is what I liked about this question and wanted to share with rest of you.

Because whenever you see a weird looking prime number, such as 29, you need to think about this question! ;-)