Undergrad floating -- legal, start-up work

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Undergrad floating -- legal, start-up work

by skah-uh » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:35 pm

I wonder if you could help me to look at my profile from the adcom's perspective:

-- Social Sciences BA from a UC (Not Berkeley, LA, SD...)
-- 3.7 overall GPA moving to 3.9 after the first two years. Additional post-BA course work in stats, econ with 4.0 average.
-- Did some "floating" in my undergrad: started with one major, went to another school to pursue it, then finally decided on History and returned to UC. Upon deciding on my degree, my grades shot up to 3.9. That said, because I switched majors, it took 5 years to get the BA. I would like to present this as it actually was: a matter of personal growth, an accumulation of vast and varied experience, and an ability to excel in different circumstances...
-- Since graduating have worked abroad for 2 years on a very prestigious fellowship -- acquired fluency in another language
-- Will have had an additional 2 years working as a paralegal for a small law firm, managing client communications, accounting, and office staff
-- Founder and CEO of growing online socially-responsible retailer (1+ year). Really cool and innovative business model and experience navigating the formation of a business, obtaining financing, managing a team, marketing, accounting... the whole thing.

No GMAT yet, but let's assume for the sake of discussion that I get a 700+.

I'm trying to guess what adcoms would think of my resume. Will they be turned off by the paralegal work? Even if it's really been way more of a leadership position than most applicants with experience in investment banking or consulting? I've really led the office staff and consistently exceeded the expectations of the attorneys for whom I've worked. I have some good recs to support all this.

What about the undergrad years? I think my record is quite good, and my experience has been that people love the fact that I have a varied background and that I spent some serious time pursuing something that I loved. Still, will adcoms worry b/c of the degree change and total time spent on the BA?

Any other notes/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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by Lisa Anderson » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:46 pm
Dear skah-uh,

I don't think the ad comm will be overly concerned with your undergraduate transcripts and the 5 year tenure in college. Five years is quickly becoming more of the norm than the rule these days. It sounds like you have a reasonable explanation for your path and your GPA is high, so I don't see any reason for significant concern there.

As for your paralegal work, there is the risk that the title will create a perception that you are doing a lower-level job than you might be doing. That is where your resume and essays are key to ensuring the ad comm understands your background and experience--and your recs supporting your descriptions will be advantageous. It sounds like you already have a solid strategy in mind, so now you need to execute the strategy.

Good luck,
Lisa Anderson
Stacy Blackman Consulting

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