I gave the GMAT a little pimp-slap this morning

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Not a flat-out beating, but just enough to let it know who's boss. :)

Got a 710 ... Q48 V50

Not much in the way of traditional prep... I got an old Kaplan book (maybe from 2003...?) and went through EVERY question on there... went through every one that was wrong, found out why I got it wrong, etc. It wasn't as useful as I thought, however, since the Quant questions were easier than most of the questions I saw on the test, and I got very few of the geometry and probability questions I thought I would.

I also took two practice exams, timed, and got the EXACT same score on the 2nd one that I did on the real thing... Q48 and V40... how weird is that??

One thing that I did do which was helpful... for all of sentence correction problems I got wrong, I rephrased the right answer into my vernacular. For instance, if I got a problem wrong when the right answer was "With the exception of Sheila and me, everyone had gone to the ball game", I rephrased it into something like "With the exception of Jordan and me, everyone had taken a shot of whiskey". Studying a bunch of those was quite helpful!!

Also, during the Q version, I was getting freaked out... I was only 10 questions in with 45 minutes left... I thought I was completely choking. But I kept my composure, took a deep breath, and reminded myself that I couldn't spend 5 minutes on problems... if I couldn't get it in 2 minutes, it was time to eliminate the choices that it couldn't be, and take a guess from the rest if I needed to. I was able to finish all the questions without many wild guesses, and had 30 seconds to spare! :D Composure and focus is HUGE!!

Best of luck, y'all. :D
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50 in verbal :roll: !!!! Wow...I can only dream of that !!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on crossing the magic mark. If you have written down the rephrases that you talked about in SC, could you please share the notes with us ???

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by DownsJM1 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:05 pm
I'm an idiot...I got a 40 in verbal, not a 50. Bad typo. Still got a 48 in Quant. Still a 710. Argh. Didn't mean to give false hope. I thought I did more on my Verbal... truth be told, I thought I hammered the V section. But I wont complain.

As for rephrasing... any question that I got wrong, I put the right answer into my vernacular... I'll try to post more examples later on, but I'm in the middle of my celebration, and my typing is affected... B-)
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by aj5105 » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:35 pm
congratulations !

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by logitech » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:37 pm