Help! Got 540 first time....need to get 650.

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Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:30 am
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GMAT Score:710
Hello all,

I took my GMAT last week and got a 540 (Q34, V31) :o( Therefore I didn't even bother applying for any B-schools. My studying had been based on the Princeton Review book and I took a week long Veritas Prep course. I took practice tests and was getting 600/610 so quite disappointed by my final score. I think I was too tired on the day and a bit over whelmed by the whole situation.

My question to you guys is, how do I get my score above 600 and ideally 650? Since I won't be applying until the second half of this year I don't have an urgency to take the re-test but I think the sooner the better because otherwise I will have to start from scratch. What books should I be using? What should my timetable look like? Any help whatsoever is much appreciated. :?: