How to increase from 420 to 600+ in two weeks...

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I am studying for gmat from past 2 months and planning to appear by end of jan-09,but on gmat prep getting max of 420 and in kaplan 480.

I don't want a high of 700+,as i have around 11 yrs of work exp.and studying almost after 11 yrs...a good 600+ will do.

either i should change my tutor or practise more and postpone my exam.
but i need to rush up as 1st week of march is the deadline for me.

plz help me out of this or i should select those b schools which do take without gmat in UK.

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by sonu_thekool » Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:02 am
Hi Anju,

I am no expert on advising anyone on the methods to improve his/her score. I, however, have noticed a few unique things about this exam over the course of the last 3 months of serious preparation - these might be of some help to you. I am in the same boat as you are in and will be taking the test towards the end of Feb and am practicing all the things that I mentioned below. Hopefully, I will keep my nerves under control and will do well on the exam.
  • Try to write down notes (your own notes are always better than just using the flash cards) on problems that confuse you. The notes should include points like the concept being tested, where you went wrong and how others on this forum solved the same question. Often times, I have noticed that there are quicker/easier ways to solve a question.

    Keep revising the fundamentals once every few days. GMAT twists and turns very simple concepts in different ways to confuse us. For example, there are a lot of ways to ask if a given number is prime - so, I have started analyzing and noting down all those ways as and when I see such questions to get comfortable with them.

    Keep discussing problems on the forums here actively - there are so many motivated people trying to help each other here that I would be surprised if you wont get your question answered soon. Ask why your approach is wrong.

    Someone on this forum mentioned this and it cant be stressed more - the GMAT is a unique exam where you can do very well even after answering a few questions wrong - remember that some of the questions are experimental or you can get lucky on the test day and mostly see questions on topics that you are strong/comfortable in. Looking at the positive side definitely helps.

    Finally, I hope you have done all the OG, QR and VR problems while timing yourself...Timing and guessing intelligently, from what I have read so far on these forums, play a very important part in improving the score.

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by anujmehra » Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:12 pm
thanx sonu....

i have been doing the same things and will try to improve further.

further tips are reqd if possible...