GMAT requirement for EMBAs

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GMAT requirement for EMBAs

by crak.gmat » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:59 pm
Hi All,

I just checked the GMAT requirements for top 5-6 EMBA schools as per business week rankings, and I am quite surprised to see that only 2 of the top 6 require GMAT (Wharton and Columbia).

For example, here is what Northwestern has to say on the GMAT requirement.

GMAT Required?

If not, how are applicants' quantitative abilities checked?
Through a review of academic transcripts and other related documents. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to ask for a GMAT score from any candidate.

This sounds very vague to me. Anybody here know someone or know friends of someone who has gone through this process, and can provide inputs on how serious these universities are (those that state GMAT is not required) about GMAT?

Others please let me know your thoughts too...