how to get 550 in gmat [1month prep]!!urgent!

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this is my second gmat attempt.. i gave the first attempt 2 years back worst possible score one can was way near 400! i know its pathetic was zero preparation. i am basically weak in quantitative section.i feel tensed when i see math problems on screen ..neways i have been prep for gmat for the past few months.. to enhance my math skills. i have gone thru OG 12 and math course material of some gmat institute..i am also practicing problems from gmat club has been very useful.. i want to get quant score of around 40... i guess my verbal is fine (SC and CR).. gone thru Power score and manhattan... but when i start giving practice questions in powerprep my mind goes blank!!lolz! i feel like i know it but cant figure out how to..i get tensed and screw the rest of the sections if i get 1 wrong...i am giving the exam on nov2... going on intense prep...please help me out...i about to get married..i have put everything on hold..just to clear gmat with atleast a score of 550 ....please help me out.i have quit company...jobles..everything depends on my gmat

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by Bryant@VeritasPrep » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:53 pm
Settle down there, my friend. I was on the adcom at a top five b-school and personally witnessed someone get in with a 490 GMAT, so don't be fooled into thinking it's all about the GMAT. Having said that, I agree that to get your quant up would be a good thing. My best recommendation would be to pull the trigger on a prep course where you will have professional instruction.
Bryant Michaels
MBA Admissions Consultant

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