I do not know what else to do!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

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I took the GMAT first time in February last year. I worked with all 3 OG guides + online Kaplan material. I studied for 4month. I scored 490.... (Verbal 21 /Quantitative36) I took several GMAT prepsoftware test and always scored the range between 430 and 500..... At that time I was more worried in quantity than in quality. My math bases were not the best. I Then I came to this site and found several advices.
I decided to first work in my Math basis. I first made a guide of basic math that had nothing to do with GMAT but that covered all the basis (fractions, number prop, etc….). Then I made all the Manhattan GMAT guides 2007 (excluding the critical reasoning, geometry and I just read the theory of the reading comprehension guide but I did not do any exercise). I did the entire CR bible and I did the entire orange OG guide excluding the RC… On the RC instead I read every day 3 hr of books in english). I timed every time I practiced for both quant and verbal. I studied for 5 month. I took just 1 test prepsoftware test one week before the test and scored 590 (Quant 44 / verbal 21). Because I just need 550 I decided to take the test and score a pathetic 450(Quant37/ Verbal 17). I think I was nervous but not to blame my nerves for this score.
I am going to take the test again in 1 ½ month. I need your advices because I do not know what else to do. I consider that my weakness areas are: RC and CR (Verbal in general). In the Quant I feel now more secure and even though I do not know why I did not increased my Quant score I feel that this is not the area of the problem. I run out of time in the last 8 questions for every both Quant and Verbal).

Please help because I do not know what else to do.


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by beatthegmat » Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:41 pm
moved this post to the Strategy area...
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by beatthegmat » Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:09 pm
What is your target score?

With regard to your prep, it sounds like you certainly have the capacity and discipline to do well on the GMAT, all you need is a sound strategy to match. I recommend that you take a look at the GMAT Resource Directory and look at four links in particular: the Beat The GMAT Blog, Ursula's Strategy, TwinnSplitter's Strategy, and the GMAT Practice GRID post.

The first three outline three effective strategies for preparing by yourself. You'll find that all three are quite similar with only minimal differences each. Be sure to read that last suggested post carefully about the GMAT practice Grid. I have come to believe that there are smart ways of going through practice problems and less effective ways. The Grid post provides an approach that I think would benefit you a lot.

Good luck!
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Hello Erick;
Thanks a lot for helping me to understand what I am doing wrong.
My target score is just 600, but I can be accepted in the program of my choice with 550.
During my preparation I used an excel grid analyzing my errors. I also repeated all the problems I got wrong until get them right. I organized my study plan with the input of all those post (Ursula's Strategy, TwinnSplitter's Strategy) including yours.
My weakness is verbal and maybe one of my errors is that I just took 1 mock before the test. I think that this time I should take several full length test to build my stamina.
One of the issues that I have seen that happen with me is that if for example I decide to make again the CR Bible, I know the theory and I understand it… But when I am going to apply the theory is when I do not see the results……Maybe I need more practice with the OG material forcing my self to practice using the strategies learned. Likewise is SC… If I decide to go over again with the Manhattan SC…I will see that I know the theory and I understand it… but when I am going to solve a problem is not so obvious to apply it.
What do you think about this???.... What do you recommend me?


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by beatthegmat » Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:20 am
I think you nailed it on the head in your last post. Understanding the theory of how to solve certain question types is not enough. You have to supplement theory with even more practice, and OG is a good source for that.

Personally, I think that the most useful part of your prep at this point would be taking lots of full-length practice exams. It takes time getting comfortable with the CAT format, and I recommend all self studiers to do one test per week.

Good luck,

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