Suggestions on picking a Non-Live Online Course

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Hi, I'm looking to enroll in an online course where I can access course lessons and materials on my own time, rather than being in a live-virtual classroom. I took a Kaplan classroom course early last year but I never took the GMAT following my course.

I took the first GMAT test in the GMAT Prep yesterday and got a 730. My exam date is on March 27th and I'm looking to improve that score by 50 points.

I've heard that Veritas only has 5 proprietary CAT exams and the other 10 are from a third-party vendor. I was wondering what effect this has, if any, towards the quality of the tests.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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by beatthegmat » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:31 pm
Hopefully a Veritas person will pick up on this thread and comment, but in general Veritas has a great reputation for producing quality materials.

It sounds like you are within range of a great GMAT score right now. A 730 on GMAT Prep is a fantastic indicator!

Good luck!
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