GMAT - time of year you take the test

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GMAT - time of year you take the test

by rocknroll » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:59 am
Does the time of year you take the gmat effect your score/percentile? Like if you take it after the deadlines for b-school, is the competition less and could your score or percentile be better? (and do scores and percentiles not necessarily match, like percentiles don't necessary correspond to one score right?)

I think someon asked this before but i can't find the thread so if you can elaborate that would help a lot.



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by beatthegmat » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:29 pm
Nope, time of year does not affect your GMAT score. As Veritas Expert Jim reported earlier, percentiles are assessed on a yearly basis, so it shouldn't matter when you take the test (don't ask me when they are assessed!).

Just focus on doing the best you can on the actual test! Not much you can control in terms of timing.

Good luck!
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