regarding GMATPREP SC

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regarding GMATPREP SC

by mrinal2100 » Tue May 29, 2012 11:33 am
I found the GMATPREP SC tougher than OG problems.Even the questions on modifiers and parallelism are twisted.Each problem looks like it's a new one and sometimes it's too difficult to pick within 1.5 mins.My exam is in 2 days and i dont know how i will perform.I am scoring in the range of 680-700


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by Mike@Magoosh » Tue May 29, 2012 4:29 pm
Hi, there. I'm happy to add my 2¢ here. :)

I am not familiar specifically with the nature of GMATPREP SC questions, but I will say: often, it is the nature of a good test prep source that their questions are a bit harder than the real questions, so that if you get used to that level of difficulty, on test day, you'll have the delightful experience of thinking: oh, this is easier than I thought.

Long before test prep companies existed, this has been the characteristic of demanding teachers everywhere. Set the bar higher than necessary, so that when students find themselves before the real bar in the real world situation, it doesn't look bad at at all.

If you're at the point that you can cruise with OG question, and you can get most GMATPREP questions, but some are too hard ---in the 680-700 on GMATPREP material --- I'd say you are in good shape for the real exam.

Does that make sense?

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by Jim@StratusPrep » Tue May 29, 2012 4:34 pm
Just looking to vent, or did you have a question about approach? As a a general guideline, try to eliminate common errors in answer choices. These are usually found at the beginning of the underline, the end of the underline, and near punctuation.
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by mrinal2100 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:12 am
thanks mike and jim for the suggestion

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by mrinal2100 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:55 am

I gave the gmat today but i scored 620 .I did badly in verbal as i scored 30 .I was scoring in the range of 680-700 in gmat prep,so my actual score was little lower than that in test.I would have felt better if i would have scored 670 or 680 because that's what i was getting in the mock test.I have exhausted my material and even GMAtprep software and wanted to know from where i should start again.GMAt prep is the closest to the actual exam and i remember the questions in the test so the next time i prepare then from where i take the practice test


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by Mike@Magoosh » Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:32 am
mrinal2100 wrote:I have exhausted my material and even GMAtprep software and wanted to know from where I should start again.
Dear mrinal2100,
I'd like to recommend Magoosh. We 200+ lesson videos, including a long series on the grammar of SC, so that can significantly boost your performance next time. Here's a sample lesson: ... strategies

We have 800+ practice questions, so plenty to practice. Each practice question has its own video solution. Here's a practice CR question.

Next time you take the GMAT, you will need to deal with the Integrated Reasoning section, which launches this coming Tuesday 6/5. Here's an eBook I wrote about IR: ... ing-ebook/

Finally, quite relevant to you: Magoosh has a score guarantee --- use our product, and we guarantee that your score will go up at least 50 points or your money back. That would be at least 670, and possibly more.

I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

Mike :)
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by mrinal2100 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:10 pm
HI MIke,
Thanks for the suggestion.I just wanted to know what tchanges do i need to make to score almost 80 more points.I face problem when i dont have enough time left for the questions and at that point i make a lot more mistakes.


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by Mike@Magoosh » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:29 am
mrinal2100 wrote:HI MIke,
Thanks for the suggestion.I just wanted to know what changes do i need to make to score almost 80 more points.I face problem when i dont have enough time left for the questions and at that point i make a lot more mistakes.
Dear Mrinal,

First of all, here's a blog I wrote about guessing/skipping strategies when you are running out of time in the last minutes of a section. ... -the-gmat/

As for the larger question, how to improve 80 points and how to work faster and/or perform well under time pressure --- understand that, in the abstract, those are almost impossible questions to answer. Other than saying that you find the verbal section difficult, you really haven't said anything about the individual question types you find challenging, the specific kinds of mistakes you are making, etc. If you posted some individual GMAT questions and indicated what confused you about that particular question, then I and the other experts could give you concrete strategies for improvement.

Of course, Magoosh has a number of powerful strategies concentrated in one place, which is why we can afford to offer a 50-point-increase money=back guarantee, and why many of our clients see an increase far greater than than. I don't know whether you checked out the links in the above post.

So, my recommendations:
a) In this forum, don't ask any more general vague overall questions, and start asking questions as concrete and specific as possible. There's no limit to the number of individual post you an initiate. This will allow the experts to help you in the most effective way.
b) Sign up for Magoosh, and I have a sneaking suspicion you will see both your efficiency and accuracy increase by leaps and bounds.

I hope that's helpful.

Mike :)
Magoosh GMAT Instructor