Where can i find good questions on Permutation/combination

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by Stacey Koprince » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:05 pm
Please note that there are very few permutation / combination questions on the test. Most people get either zero or one in this category on the official test. So, while you do want to know the basics, don't spend a ton of time on this topic - spend more time on things that will show up on multiple problems (number properties, basic algebra, quadratic equations, triangles and circles, that kind of stuff).
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by mayonnai5e » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:15 pm
I wholeheartedly agree with Stacy here. I saw 0 P&C questions on my 720 GMAT and my friend saw 0 on his 760 GMAT. Focusing on learning the fundamental and advanced topics for questions that you will be guaranteed to see several times is a far better investment.
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