As rainfall began to decrease in the Southwest

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As rainfall began to decrease in the Southwest

by pnk » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:50 am

As rainfall began to decrease in the Southwest about the middle of the twelfth century, most of the Monument Valley Anasazi abandoned their homes to join other clans whose access to water was less limited.

A. whose access to water was less limited
B. where there was access to water that was less limited
C. where they had less limited water access
D. with less limitations on water access
E. having less limitations to water access

[spoiler]OA - A;

Not satisfaied with OG explanation.

OG says for C - they ambiguous and might refer to either Anasazi or other Clans; 'less limited water access' is awkward. How can 'they' is ambiguous - they cleary refers to subject noun of the previous clause (both playing the same role in their respective noun). Though 'other clans' is object

OG says for E - 'limitations' countable so use 'fewer'; 'having' is ambiguous bcoz it is unclear whether it refers to Anasazi or other clans. But, for 'having' very clearly refers to 'other clans' (verbing without comma). It would be great if some one also help me with 'limitations' countable - how[/spoiler]

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by kvcpk » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:53 am
You are posting good questions.. I was surprised to see that OA is A.
"whose access to water was less limited" loks awkward to me too..

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by hardik.jadeja » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:24 am
There in one more problem with C.

"Clans" is basically a group of people.

"where" is placed adjacent to "clans", so "where" is modifying "clans". "where" should be used to modify nouns referring to places, not the group of people. If you want to modify a noun representing group of people, use "whose".

Yes, limitation is a countable noun. For ex: A tennis player has two limitations. First, his service is weak. Second, his forehand is weak.

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by uwhusky » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:32 am
The issue with C I believe is the usage of the relative pronoun, "where", which is referring to "clan" and is incorrect.

After some thoughts, I realize that limitations to water access sounds very funny, too. I have "water access" sounds very awkward compare to I have "access to water".

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by minhphuoc » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:25 pm
I think one of the ambiguous in C is 'limited water access'. Which noun limited modify? Water of access?