Really Short on time, please advice how to approach

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Just booked my exam date for the 7th Aug, that is coming thrus. I know it is a lil too short time span Ive got, had never imagined that I would have to take it in sucha hurry but I cant help it, my office commitments and all will keep me busy for resta the 1.5 month.

Nehw my prepration has been largely unstructured, Done only OG 10, 11 books. Apart frm this though, This forum is a very important sorce from were I practise questions(making use of the 24 hrs net connc in the office :lol: )..all I all the number of questions is not a problem it seems, have done a lot of them and have some confidence :oops: . I need to revise the concepts such as those from MHSC, anything else?? How to approach the tests and all? just given 2 tests till date,
Kap CD1 640(M45, V40)
Powerprep1 770(M50,V47)

MOds please advice