I am down but not out ( 680 Q 49 V 33 AWA 6.0)

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Hello every one @ BTG
This is my first post here, though I have been frequenting BTG and using its valuable resources and advices time and again. I thank all the BTG experts and instrustors for keeping the flame alive :) Big hugss :)
My profile
I am an asian female and MBA aspirant. ISB Hyderabad is my target School. I have 3 years 7 months of work experience in Offshore Electrical Engineering in a reputed MNC. I have been an outstanding student in school and college and have a fair share of extra curriculars to my credit.
A short de-brief of my first attempt on 21 Nov 2011
I booked the first GMAT for 10th Oct 2011 and began preparing pretty late. With the project pressure on, I realised it was a mistake and shifted my date to 21 Nov 2011. An advise here for all professionals, calculate your schedule well in advance and be prepared for surprises. Try not to overstay and work on weekends as I did, it seriously impairs the study schedule.
Coming back to my first attempt, I used the following material
1) The official Guide 12th Edition ( Its the undeniable Bible)
2) Kaplan Workbook
3) Powerscore Bible for CR
4) No specific material for SC ( and thats my weak point, I came to know much later about the Manhattan SC and thats the first thing is have bought since I have booked the next date)
5) NOVA for quant ( though its ridiculously simple)

I used the GMATprep practice tests mostly, supplementing it with Kaplan section tests.
In my first attempt I was terribly short of preparation time, as the project pressure was mounting and work took away all my attention and energies. Nevertheless I took a few days off before the test and that worked in my favour.
The first attempt was hijacked with the usuals though i tried my best to counter them, anxiety, timing problems, panic attacks. But the score closely matched my mocks. So there are no miracles waiting to happen in your GMAT. Dont count on your luck. Meet this exam with prepration.
I have always loved AWA and it didnot disappoint me. I write often and have a few works lined up for publishing so it added to my confidence.
But alas I missed the magic figure of 700+ that I hope to meet in my next attempt.
The present
On the road to GMAT now. Will start preparing shortly. My next attempt is due on 17 April.
Looking forward to your suggestions and would be more than happy to help if i can...

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by akdesai » Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:48 am
Good luck for your next GMAT!

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by Jim@StratusPrep » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:31 pm
Good lesson for all... Keep trying and you will get where you want to go!
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